PLEASE NOTE: The information and resources on this webpage will be removed soon. If you currently access any of the resources, please download a copy of the resource for continued personal use.
The Early Childhood Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) is the statewide professional development system for early childhood special education (ECSE). As part of that system, Professional Development Facilitators (PDF) in each of the state’s eight economic development regions work to connect, support and empower local leaders to build capacity. Additionally, the ECSE Team provides targeted support through monthly leadership calls, technical assistance, guidance documents, and webinars. Through these joint efforts, young children and their families are accessing and benefiting from high-quality programs and services throughout the state.
Summer Referral for Part B - 5/3/21 This resource document can be used to answer questions and inform decision making around district practices in response to summer referrals for preschool-aged children.
Guidance for Use of Evaluation and Assessment Tools - 4/6/21 This resource document can be used to answer questions and inform decision making around tools used for evaluation and assessment in Early Childhood Special Education.
Decision Tree for Coding Instructional Settings - 12/7/20 Documents the decision process the IEP case manager should use to determine the appropriate instructional setting to report within MARSS for a child ages 3-5 enrolled in Preschool Special Education or Kindergarten.
Informed Clinical Opinion - 11/17/20 A guidance document that describes the use of Informed Clinical Opinion as an eligibility measure for developmental delay for infants and toddlers under Part C.
Part B Webinar Presentation Slides - Sessions 1-3 - 7/28/22 These slides accompany the Part B webinar Series 1-3. Hyperlinks for the resources referred to in the webinars are included in the slides.
Part B Session 1 - 7/28/22 A three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, addressing due process requirements and quality practices for Part B/Preschool, from identification to transition.
Part B Session 2 - 7/28/22 A three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, addressing due process requirements and quality practices for Part B/Preschool, from identification to transition.
Part B Session 3 - 7/28/22 A three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, addressing due process requirements and quality practices for Part B/Preschool, from identification to transition.
Key Differences Between Part C and Part B Training Webinar - 10/30/21 This training webinar is an overview of the Part C and Part B due process requirements and would be appropriate for both practitioners and leaders. For more in-depth information, reference the content specific webinars also available on this page.
Key Differences Between Part C and Part B Webinar Slides - 10/29/21 These are the slides that accompany the Key Differences Between Part C and Part B Training Webinar. Hyperlinks for the resources referred to in the Webinar are included in the slides.
Part C Webinar Slides - 8/26/21 These are the slides that accompany the Part C Training Series 1-3 webinars. Hyperlinks for the resources referred to in the webinars are included in the slides.
Part C Training Session 1 - 8/18/21 A webinar in three sessions that addresses due process requirements and quality practices for Part C, from identification to transition.
Part C Training Session 2 - 8/18/21 A webinar in three sessions that addresses due process requirements and quality practices for Part C, from identification to transition.
Part C Training Session 3 - 8/18/21 A webinar in three sessions that addresses due process requirements and quality practices for Part C, from identification to transition.
This three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, provides information and training on the process of aligning Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs).
Standards-Aligned IEPs: Part 2 - 4/26/22 This three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, provides information and training on the process of aligning Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs).
Standards-Aligned IEPs: Part 3 - 4/21/22 This three-part webinar, intended for ECSE practitioners and leaders, provides information and training on the process of aligning Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) with the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress (ECIPs).
Early Childhood Standards-Aligned IEPs Webinar Slides - 4/20/22 These are the slides that accompany the Early Childhood Standards-Aligned IEPs webinar series, Parts 1-3. Hyperlinks for the resources referred to in the webinars are included in this PDF.