Preservice Workgroup

“Pre-service is the term used to describe the education and training that occurs prior to a practitioner obtaining a college degree and entering the workforce. Pre-service prepares individuals to meet the personnel standards of a specific discipline.
Institute of Higher Education (IHE) programs of study provide training for individuals to acquire the specified knowledge, skills, and competencies required to meet state and national personnel standards in a specific discipline. The programs of study also include sufficient field-based experiences across a variety of high-quality infant and early childhood settings.”
Quality Indicator 5: Institution of higher education (IHE) programs and curricula across disciplines are aligned with both national professional organization personnel standards and state personnel standards.
Quality Indicator 6: Institution of higher education programs and curricula address early childhood development and discipline specific pedagogy.

Scheduled Meeting Time: The PreService workgroup meets from 9:30am to 10:30 am on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Recent Highlights: To learn more about the early childhood content of Minnesota’s IHEs who are preparing early childhood personnel, the Preservice Workgroup developed and disseminated a survey to program directors who prepare students to work with young children with disabilities and their families. The purpose of the survey was to gather data about the use of the ECPC Cross-Disciplinary Competencies and the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices
Results of this survey suggested that program directors/directors of field placements in higher education programs are unfamiliar with the ECPC Cross-Disciplinary Competencies and how to include the competencies in curriculum planning. Survey results also indicated an inconsistent understanding and application of the DEC Recommended Practices. Using the results of the survey, the preservice workgroup developed an infographic with links to information and resources to support the preparation of students for interdisciplinary work in early childhood settings. The intent of the infographic was to share high-quality resources with programs preparing early childhood personnel. Resources include the EI/ECSE Personnel Preparation Standards, the DEC Recommended Practices, the ECPC Cross-Disciplinary Competencies, and other relevant EI/ECSE resources and websites, including Minnesota-specific resources. Click on the interactive graphic to view content. 
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